Basketball - Sunday Mornings - Men's League - Salina Gym - Liverpool

If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.


If anyone reads this while at the gym today, I left my sneakers there. The are in a black Jordan box and are grey and pinkish color. Please bring them to the gym next week


Should have left the registration open for a couple more weeks since we aren't starting until the 3rd. I thought this league would fill up fast for a weekend morning league.

Only 6 games?

Oh 10 weeks with playoffs included. I we had a 6th team we could avoid bye weeks. Nobody wants to ball on a Sunday morning?

Only 6 games?

I thought it was a 10 week season?

Only 6 games?

Seems like alot of money to only play 6 games, don't even play every team twice. Also why the switch from 5v5 to 4v4?


Has the schedule been updated to reflect the delayed start? previously we were scheduled for a first week bye, but the schedule shows us having a game on April 3rd?

Was the scheduled not updated for the delay or has it been modified?

Enough teams?

Are we going to have enough team's? I really hope so!

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