Signup Deadline: Thursday, November 19
All Games are played on Mondays. The league will run for a total of 8 weeks 7 regular season weeks and 1 post season. All teams will advance into the playoffs! BUNTING is allowed in this league!
Championship teams will receive T-shirts for the team.
Umpires fees are included with your registration.
-Blind Draw based on player rankings, answer questions on sign up.
-$85 per person,
-Money and registration is due one week before the start.
Indoor Covid Rules:
The following guidelines have been put together in order for us to safely get back to playing for all indoor activities. Our guidelines will be consistently reviewed and revised in accordance with Onondaga County and New York State Anyone attending a program or event at the CNY Family Sports Centre should answer the following questions before playing or spectating at the The CNY Family Sports Centre. IF THE ANSWER IS YES TO ANY OF THE QUESTIONS, INDIVIDUALS MUST STAY HOME
1. Knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
2. Tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days; and/or has experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days Activity Participants (players, coaches, and spectators)
3. For indoor activities, individuals should ensure a distance of six feet is maintained at all times unless safety or the activity (playing/practicing) do not allow. If a shorter distance is required, individuals should wear acceptable face coverings, unless players are unable to tolerate a face covering for the physical activity. Players, coaches, trainers, and other individuals who are not directly engaged in physical activity are required to wear a face covering when not able to maintain a distance of 6 feet.
PRECAUTIONS THAT THE CNY FAMILY SPORTS CENTRE IS TAKING - Masks must be worn entering the facility, or walking throughout the building. - Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the facility
– No Spectators. There will be no spectators for training sessions (un- less stated otherwise) - There will be no seating for participants (benches) or spectators (bleachers) for any and all indoor activities. - Bleachers have been removed.
Mandatory daily employee COVID-19 symptom screening - Nightly deep cleaning and daily additional cleaning and sanitizing of handrails, door handles, high-touch areas - Monitoring communications and directives from the CDC, New York State Dept. of Health and the Onondaga County Health Dept - Staff members are reminded to consistently wash their hands and to stay home if they are sick PRECAUTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS DURING ALL INDOOR ACTIVITIES –
There will be no hand shaking/contact before or after the game or practice. - Gatherings near the fields, before or after games will not be permitted - Players must maintain social distancing when in bench area. Lines have been painted on the bench floors for players to maintain a proper distance. - Teams rosters must be maxed out at 13 players. - Come ready to play, no changing in bathrooms or on the field or lobby. - All participants must wait in their car until the prior game or training has finished. There will be no waiting in the facility before or after games or practices.
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To complete the process, remove the app from your Facebook settings.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again or contact us for assitance.
Name | Username | Last Login |
These are the accounts with the same email address as your Facebook account ().
If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.