Signup Deadline: Monday, February 20
This is a men's 5 on 5 league played on Friday nights at St. Margaret's in Mattydale. Rosters have a 5 person minimum and a 10 player max. Only the players on your online roster are allowed to play/sub.
Referee fees are 50.00 per team per game and are paid directly to the scorekeeper before the start of the game. Games will consist of two - 20 minute half's and the clock will stop on whistles under 2 minutes in each half.
Standings and scores will be recorded and updated online each week. Shirts with numbers are mandatory but NOT included with your registration. Each team is responsible for declaring your team color when you register.
If you would like you can purchase team shirts through SSA by clicking this link: https://store.usaracing.com/syracusesports/shop/home
Again, Team shirts are MANDATORY but optional to purchase through us.
-Technical fouls are a $20 fine and must be payed prior to your next game. 3 technical fouls in a season will result in additional fines or suspensions.
-Forfeiting teams are still responsible and will be charged both teams official fee's for said game UNLESS SSA has been notified 24 hours prior to game time.
Questions or to sign up - email: Rick@cusesports.com
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To complete the process, remove the app from your Facebook settings.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again or contact us for assitance.
Name | Username | Last Login |
These are the accounts with the same email address as your Facebook account ().
If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.