Spring - Friday Nights - Casey Park - Auburn

If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.

may 30th game

tonight is a double header. Kosta Kickers, my team may not have enough players for the game but are willing to still play with what we have. You may contact me at 315 253 2634 unitl 5:15. Thank you


I just wanted to let you know that on May 30th we (Tessy Knight Owls) wont be at the game... the whole team is scheduled to work a mandatory Friday. Have fun ! :)
Thanks Captain: shawna

tonight game

Unfortunately we don't have enough players this week for tonights game. We are playing next Friday and please keep checking this site for weather cancellations. Also don't forget shirts are $13 and $1 for umpire fee.


Hey do you guys have the shirts made for fridays game. I am a medium and I like the # 11. Thanks

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