'Kicks for Kids' Kickball Tournament

  • Sport: Kickball
  • Format: Co-ed - 10 players per team - 3 must be female. Double Elimination!
  • Locations: Syracuse Kickball Park
  • Days of the week: Saturday
  • Started on : Started on Saturday, October 22
  • Dates: 10.22
  • Times: 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Saturday, October 22

The Dream Factory of Syracuse will host its 5th Annual Kicks for Kids Kickball Tournament beginning at 10:00am on Saturday, August 6th. Working with the Syracuse Sports Association the all-day tournament will be held at the Syracuse Sports Kickball Fields at 7192 Oswego Road in Liverpool.

Join Dream Factory of Syracuse in granting dreams to chronically ill children in greater Syracuse by playing this low-impact, fun sport. The
cost is $25 per person or put an entire team of 11 people together (each
team needs a minimum of 3 girls and four guys) for $250.00.

“For $25 per person, you get food and old-fashioned fun,” said Erin
Wisneski, the board’s public relations and marketing chair. “Last year
we had ten teams and it was a great time. Imagine how much more fun
we could have with more teams this year. Plus, it will all help to grant the dreams of Amelia and Abigail, our newest Dream children candidates.”

The tournament features food, games and entertainment for teams
and spectators to enjoy in between contests as well as raffles and a silent

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor (event, T-shirt, keepsake
or field sponsorship's are available) or donating an item for our raffle
or silent auction, call us at (315) 313-4543 or e-mail syracuse@
dreamfactoryinc.org for more information.

If you pay online the cost is 27.00 per person, its 25.00 if you pay by cash or check.

  • Recreational Division

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 12 and Up
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team

      (Fee is per player)

    • Free Agents
Syracuse Sports Association
Liverpool, NY 13088

(315) 447-5686