Volleyball - Wednesdays 2019 - Coed 4s

  • Sport: Volleyball
  • Format: 4 vs 4 - coed - minimun 1 female
  • Locations: Salina Town Building Gym
  • Days of the week: Wednesday
  • Started on : Started on Wednesday, February 13
  • Dates: 2.13, 2.20, 2.27, 3.6, 3.13, 3.20, 3.27, 4.3, 4.10, 4.17, 4.24
  • Times: 6:00 PM, 6:30 PM, 6:45 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:15 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:00 PM, 9:30 PM

Signup Deadline: Monday, February 11

SSA is very excited to offer YOU our Coed 4s Indoor Volleyball Recreational league in the Salina Town Hall Gym this upcoming Winter season.

Sign up as an entire team, split the dues between teammates, or join as a Free Agent to be placed on a team with other Free Agents.

League Information: All teams are guaranteed 8 games and 1 or 2 playoff games.
- Minimum of 4 players (no more than 3 males on a team to be considered a legal game
- Teams are allowed bench players (rosters are unlimited, but players MUST be on the roster for playoffs)
- Matches will consist of three games to 21 points.
- Each match will be allotted 45min.
- RECREATIONAL: Players have experience of league play but less competitive in nature
Possible Game Times: 6:00pm | 6:45pm | 7:30pm

-We have installed a New Volleyball Net at the Town of Salina

Prize: The winning team of this league will get shirts

Ref fees are 10.00 per game, payable to the ref before the game.

We will be using beach rules.

  • Coed 4s - Recreational

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 to 100
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team
        $250.00 Total
    • Individual