First Ever Cup in Hand Kickball Tournament

  • Sport: Kickball
  • Format: Coed ages 12 and up! 10 Players on The Field! At least 3 have to be female!
  • Locations: Syracuse Kickball Park
  • Days of the week: Saturday
  • Started on : Started on Saturday, July 6
  • Dates: 7.6
  • Times: 11:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 12:30 PM

Signup Deadline: Sunday, June 30

First Ever Cup in Hand Kickball Tournament Details:

-Modified Bunt Line

-Saturday July 6th 11am First game, Check in at 10am.
-$30 per person, includes T shirt, Cup and Umpire Fee's
- Round Robin followed by single elimination

All regular League Play kickball rules apply with these few additions:

Cup in Hand:

All active players (all defensive fielders and offensive kickers/runners) MUST have liquid (ANY liquid allowed including water) in their cups ABOVE the designated line (2nd groove in a standard Solo cup) Clear cups will be provided by SSA BUT not beverages.
If a fielder makes a catch/gets the offensive player out in any way BUT loses too much liquid from their cup (under the designated line) – that offensive player is SAFE
If a fielder makes a play for an out/outs is found (by the ref) to have less than the designated amount of liquid, the player who got out goes back to the closest base they were on prior to getting out
A fielder CANNOT place their cup in their mouth/armpit/etc. or set/drop their cup to make a play (if this happens, the play is dead and the offensive player is safe/given the next base)
If a fielder makes a play WITHOUT A CUP IN THEIR HAND the runners advance to the next base or the base they were running towards
If a runner’s liquid level falls below the line, that runner is OUT
Teams MUST have a designated refill person ready to refill teammates cups – keeps pace of the game

  • Solo Cup Division

    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team

      (Fee is per player)

    • Free Agents
Syracuse Sports Association
Liverpool, NY 13088

(315) 447-5686