Tuesday 4/30 - All kickball & softball games are being played.

*all weather related announcements will be made right here first, a text will also go out to all teams with the announcement only if games are canceled. *

Basketball - Tuesdays - Mens League - Salina Town Building

If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.

Conditions of the gym floor

Good Morning Fellow Teams and League Commissioner,

Player safety is of the utmost importance to my team. I believe the other teams in our Tuesday night league also have a high regard for player safety. That being said, over the last few weeks when we have gone to play, the gym floors have been dusty. This has caused not only players on my team, but of opposing teams to slip and fall. Thankfully, to my knowledge nobody has been injured due to this. Going forward, I believe it would be in the best interest of everyone if the floors were at least swept, and preferably mopped prior to the night's games. Please help everyone stay safe as we compete to the best of our abilities every Tuesday night. Thank you for hearing me out. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact me directly at 315-373-3612. Again, I thank you and have a blessed day.

Samuel Prince
BK Cuse Connection

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Syracuse Sports Association
7192 Oswego Rd.
Liverpool, NY 13090

(315) 447-5686