Spring - Monday Nights - Kickball Park - Liverpool

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Please post respectfully.


Now we've been moved to 1 of the 2 worst fields with no home run fences (even though at registration in all caps it said, ALL FIELDS NOW HAVE FENCES) and we've had 10 minutes of game play removed if you are wondering why you haven't seen my team sign up for summer yet after 5 seasons with you guys all you have to do is read these posts for your answer.


I mean week 1 our field was completely covered in mud we all played we all had fun and Noone got injured

cancelled again!!!

Getting kinda ridiculous guys. I know you can't control the weather but you could very easily get out there n rake the dirt. Sh*t I know for a fact that half my team would volunteer to go rake. As far as wet grass most players have cleats and if not isn't weather ALWAYS part of an outdoor sport? It'll be the 8th week of the season next week and most teams have played 4 or less games. Some teams I see have only played 2! I understand you have safety concerns but we are all adults and we all know that playing a sport can result in injuries even in perfect conditions.... besides I'm pretty sure that somewhere it states that you guys are NOT liable so what's the problem?

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Syracuse Sports Association
Liverpool, NY 13088

(315) 447-5686