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SSA Golf Leagues

SSA Golf Leagues


Begginers league at Greens At Beaumont.

Two person mixed teams. 

Thursday Nights starting May 11th. 


SSA's Captain Mulligan’s Golf League, is a beginner’s two-person team mixed golf league. League members must be, at least 21 years old and abide by all league rules. 

There are two rules Have Fun and PLAY FAST! Be Ready to Hit! Keep it moving…

The League will play on Thursday’s, the first tee time is 5:00 p.m., beginning May 11, 2023 at Green’s at Beaumont Golf Course in Brewerton NY

The League Coordinator is Vincent Frataccia, 315-706-9115 or


please scroll below to registers. 

Syracuse Sports Association
Liverpool, NY 13088

(315) 447-5686